Register Registrations for Bike Week 2021 are NOW OPEN. Download the Bike Week Registration Form 2021 or fill out the form below. Your Name (required): Your Email (required): Home Phone: Mobile Phone: Pillion Name: Bike Make & Model: Reg #: This event runs from 12 noon Saturday 30th Jan to noon 5th Feb 2021. The registration cost is $25 per day per person or $80 per person for 4+ days. Please Indicate estimated arrival and departure dates: Arrival: Departure: *(dd/mm/yy) Registration Fee payable (4+ days) = #pax x $80 = $ Regn Fee payable (< 4 days) = #pax x #days x $25 = $ Biker Week 10th Year T-Shirts = #shirts x Sizes x $30 = $ Speaker Dinner = #pax x #spkdinner x $35 = $ TOTAL PREPAID REGISTRATION DINNER & T-SHIRTS Note entry fee at the gate on the day is $25 per day or $90 for the week (5+ days) PAYMENT – BNZ Bank Account: 02-0920-0040101-00 (Include your surname and initials as a reference). Pre-entries close Friday 22nd January 2021. R.O.A.R. NO DOGS, PATCHES, GLASS on Site and ABSOLUTELY NO FIRES INDEMNITY: In submitting this form, I/We hereby agree to abide by the rules and regulations governing this event, and to hold free from any liability the property owner, organising committee or any office or member thereof for any injury, loss or accidental damage whatsoever including injury, loss or damage due to negligence which may occur whilst travelling to, attending at, or travelling from the Bike Week @ Bannockburn. Check here if you accept these terms.